Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Preliminary task 1

Lost Preliminary task 1 draft

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla

    This is looking fantastic! Well done.

    Overall score - 10/10
    - 180' Rule (2)
    - Shot-reverse-shot (2)
    - Match on action (2)
    - Sequence & continuity (2)
    - Title (2)

    Tips and pointers
    - sound - I'd really like to see you play around with intensified sound effects for important parts of the story (e.g knife wiping and revealing victim in car boot)
    - after effect needs to be added
    - credits for everyone involved
    - Title needs some work (think about what you are foreshadowing with what you do with the Title reveal/ font/ word movement on screen etc)

    I love the lighting, the smooth editing you've managed to achieve and the way you've built tension with your rough edit. Room for making a good thing great!


Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio