Monday, March 16, 2020

Bourne Identity

Bourne Identity

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs meaning through the following:
camera shots, angles, movement and composition
This extract expresses the overall class and status of our main character straight away. We see Bourne walking around in what appears to be a docking/habour type area. This may imply that he is not in a place of wealth but instead a place of lower class or that he may be looking for something he has not yet found, i.e. his identity which we are later shown. Non diegetic music is playing during the opening scene in the extract. It is a symphonic blend of different ones which helps to build the tension and sense of mystery which is ironic since his personality is a mystery to himself.

During the first scene Bourne is seen to be walking with a red jacket acting as a symbol of how danger may come and that the red is him walking into his future/the unknown. The camera does a slow zoom in onto his face revealing a puzzled/confused look leaving the audience in wonder of what is about to happen. He is then shown to be walking through the streets lined with middle class houses adding to the normality in which this scene has been laid out. As we are shown the back of our main character we can see him walking off in a steady pace until he slowly disappears behind what appears to be the shoulders of walking pedestrians. This can fall under editing as the shot has been cut in order to show Bourne then a couple seconds later he disappears.

Diegetic sounds of seagulls and the murmur of voices can be heard above the music, this has been done intentionally to keep the audience in clue with what is going on around Bourne. An aerial tracking shot is used to follow along with the train as well as the car driving alongside on the road, immersing the audience with the movement on screen creating the effect that they are on the move with our character. The camera is then placed inside the train and we are shown a shot of Bourne Staring into his own reflection as if he does not recognise the person staring back at them. This acts as an indicator to the audience that not only does he not remember his past but here he does not remember who he is as a person. Read seat liners a place behind them on the headrest this is a symbolic colour as it is representing his future and what is to become of it here staring into the reflection looking at himself no correlation with the fact that this is his future self and that he is looking at the person who is about to become who he creates himself to be.

Pleonastic sound is introduced as we, the audience, are taken into the train to see Bourne sitting by himself. The sound of the train wheels on the track gets louder and louder heightening the scene making it more effective and relatable to the audience. Hues and natural lighting are used, practically throughout the whole extract, not only does this help to establish the overall tone, but it also makes us sympathise for our character even more as we see that he is living in a normal world but not so much a normal life. As he is staring out the window flickering lights appear and reflect off Bons face this can be interpreted as a representation of his pies fluttering by into the distance as it has already been forgotten.

A metal bullet that was first introduced at the beginning of the movie is now showing again acting as a symbol of iconography, it has personal meaning to born and is the only lead/clue he has to who he really is. It is the beacon drawing him to find out who is/who he was. By revealing the bullet once more, it adds to the overall feel that his character may be a shady individual, always seeking danger or in a way danger seeks him. Us as the audience can perceive this in a way that he may be more of a risk taking individual than we anticipated.

Blue lighting is shown behind Bourne as he seems to be walking away in the train station. This is acting as another symbolic colour. Blue is now representing his past, the unknown, the forgotten and how he is leaving it behind them mentally and physically as we are clearly shown a visual representation of that image. Mini shadows and Silhouette are introduced during the same taking us back to the idea of a thriller masking his true identity adding mystery and a sense of unknown. He himself does not know who is who he is correlating with the audience in the fact And that we are being left in the dark. The shot is showing him standing in the street covered in white snow, literally being left/standing in the dark. He is looking back into the blue lights (has past) say one final goodbye before you head to head out into the thrill seeking adventure that awaits him.

Armed officers enter the scene where Bourne is sleeping. This introduces a sense of authority and dictatorship amongst the extract, the legal personnel usually known to be helpful/sometimes understanding is portrayed to be corrupt and violent towards Bourne. This is when he realises that he understands the language that the police are speaking. Not only does this give him hints as to who he is but also the audience as to whom he might be. Whilst Bourne is speaking we are given an extreme close-up of his face revealing the disturbed facial expressions and the puzzlement that has now become him. Quick cuts are used in the fighting scene creating fast paced movements correlating to the actions being made by our main character. Diegetic sound is used throughout this sequence as we can hear the heavy breathing of Bourne and the natural sounds of birds in the background. This is adding the humanistic effect allowing the audience to interpret that Bourne is not all robot but instead mostly human.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla

    Overall Score - 43/50

    Terminology - 8/10
    Explanation/ Argument/ Analysis - 17/20
    Examples - 18/20

    Well done, Kayla! You have written an insightful essay where you make observations, take it further by commenting on implied meaning and mentioned all 4 technical areas, which is fantastic. You are making some really great points and back it up with some relevant evidence (examples).
    You lost a couple of marks for not including the representation theory you were asked to include in the homework brief (how frustrating)!! Make sure you use those briefs as a checklist to do everything requested so you can get those high scores!

    Overall, a great job! Well done on the effort :)


Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio