Sunday, August 30, 2020

Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit
Foundation Portfolio

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla

    Overall Score: 17/20

    Well done in nailing so many of the thriller elements!

    - the beginning title sequence with the voice-over, news broadcast audio is very effective at setting the scene and telling the story. Well done!
    - Your Movie Title needed to be more of a feature and really grab our attention. Unfortunately I missed seeing it and had to go back to check if you actually put it in.
    - You're also missing credits at the end of the film, that's a shame
    - Your logo looks great
    - I almost feel as though the voice-over for the scientist isn't even needed and almost detracts from the thriller feel. You can tell she is looking for something without the words.
    - The curtain moving could have been more of a tension-building moment
    - That shot up against the curtain looked great, well done
    - could have even had a mock jump-scare and utilised a sound effect when curtain is initially pulled
    - Jump-scare was very effective
    - lighting was consistent and done effectively for the genre
    - make-up and props all added to verisimilitude
    - a great demonstration of the relationship between sound and visual elements working together to create tension and suspense


Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio