Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Preliminary task 1 final copy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla

    Overall Score: 17/20

    Three technical elements included: 3/3
    Continuity editing: 1/ 2
    Clear narrative: 4/5
    Title & Credits: 2/2
    After Effect included and effective: 3/ 3
    Thriller conventions employed: 4 /5

    Well done on your first edit and using After Effects, Kayla! It looks fantastic! A really solid preliminary task.

    You showed that you understand continuity editing and worked within the 3 technical rules that were set out in the brief.

    I enjoyed the variety of shots like the shot of the feet walking and the shot from inside the cupboard as well as from the back seat of the car.

    Your music and editing was the only think I think you could have tweaked a bit more. I feel like you cut your scene up into segments which caused a break in the suspense. It could have achieved an even more suspense-filled and tense effect in the audience if you had used one continuous track but layered sound effects and even another track into it towards the end? If you had kept it as one flowing scene, I feel like it would have been less distracting for the audience and they would have been more drawn in and absorbed by a very compelling story.
    You showed a thorough understanding of the thriller genre and that you can successfully replicate conventions to get the desired effect.

    Overall, a fantastic effort :)


Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio