Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Thriller sub-genres

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla

    Overall Score - 15/20
    I really enjoyed your slideshow! It was really well put together and I love the humour in it too, brightened my night.

    - Please preview your work before submitting. This slideshow had a few slides where the font and colour, paired with a background of similar colour made the writing really hard to read. You want to make it easy for whoever is marking you work (please) :)

    - I feel like your strongest points were for your last 2 sub-genres, action-thriller and crime-thriller. You wrote a good a better amount for them and covered other techniques and technical aspects, not just story/ narrative / plot conventions.

    Overall a good piece of research and presented well (aside from the colour/ font / background issue in a few slides). Well done. Adding more points and some more examples on each sub-genre would have scored you higher marks but you were on the right track!


Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio