Tuesday, February 18, 2020


"Times Up" Cambridge Media trailer

- Quick cuts to black
- Fast movements with banging non-diegetic sound
- Fast camera movement
Image result for borgman

Borgman opening scene       

- The scene starts with diegetic sound playing in the background when they introduce the title of the movie as if something or someone is moving but we cannot see them.
- The scene starts with a jump scare giving the audience a fright by starting off with a quiet sound then going into the loud boar of a dog barking. This almost sets the atmosphere of the movie.
- A lot of loud banging sounds at the start of the scene.

"Excemption" AS media opening 

- starts with an extreme close up of his eye and then edits a clock in the reflection of his eye ball.
- non-diegetic chime playing in the background acting as a platonic and almost melancholic sound.
- close up shots/two person shots are used to capture facials/expressions.
- They play diegetic sound of heavy breathing in the background giving the audience the sense of suspense.   

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Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio