Monday, February 24, 2020



Our thriller is tied together around a kidnapping that takes place in an underground car park. We wanted to make the atmosphere look as grungy as possible so that the audience gets an idea of the class and status that our two main characters have. Meaning that they are not wealthy and have to meet in an almost abandoned warehouse/shed in order to actually pull off their plan/heist. 

We decided to use the side door leading into the garage instead as it adds more of a simplistic tone and can also be used for our match on action shot. We also want to get a shot of the ‘authorised  personnel only’ sign as it tells the audience that they are somewhere they almost shouldn't be.  

The female lead is going to be seen walking through the door and our male lead (her partner in crime) will be standing at the workbench almost as if it will bring a more serious manner to the scene as if he is just doing “human-like” activities that an average male man would be seen doing. There are a lot of tools and working type equipment adding to the fact that they are in some type of grungy looking workspace adding suspense in the fact that the audience doesn't know what the characters are going to do in their as it looks like an isolated area.  
Little elements are going to be seen in different shots. For example when we have our shot reverse shot, when the two lead characters are having a conversation, in the background you will see  a metal cabinet with a HAZCHEM sign of the front indicating danger and as the scene progresses we will see our male lead use the cabinet to store different types of “kidnap” looking equipment. 

Our scene then moves to the outdoors giving an airy and lonely tone. There is almost no one there and by doing this it will add to the effect of sneaky and almost guilty behaviour. The car will be stationary in the car park. By having a wooden background and concrete floor/pavement it almost emphasises on the fact of money and how they cannot afford to take their hostage in a more wealthier setting for example a flash hotel. It adds to the thriller as it creates darkness and a foreshadowing of fear. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla

    Overall Score: 16/20

    I really like the level of detail in your rationale. You have explained your scene well and set the scene.

    You are missing a brainstorm and a list of who is doing what. These were both mean to be on your personal blog.

    Pictures in your camera angles planning are blank which is a shame as these would have given evidence that you understand how these technical rules apply.

    Overall a good plan to work with, with just 2 missing elements.


Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio