Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Preliminary task 2



Our soldiers will be undercover therefore their clothes will be old and tatty, copying the image of a local or someone that is seen as none lethal. The clothes will have a 'dirty' appearance as if they have been on a long journey with an unwashed/bathed look. Our group got their inspiration from the Maze Runner series which idealised with what our group had envisioned for the characters appearance.

In this clip it explains how you can create the look you are wanting with a few easy and low budget items to help with the realism of your film. Our characters will look grungy yet adventurous look. Hiking boots may be the hardest piece of clothing to find as they are not cheap and only certain types of people own them.

Our terrorists will have simple blackish attire where a normal t-short will be covering the majority of their face as if wearing a balaclava. Dusty shorts or long pants/jeans will be easy to acquire items that will be effect. 
Black vests or this type of armour may be hard to get but if we are able too it would be very effective. Our protagonists will be wearing sandal type shoes with very little 'style' in how the present themselves. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla

    Overall Score: 17/20,

    Some great planning for your PT 2. Please make sure to update latest versions of scripts / storyboards as they change


Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio