Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Descriptions of Group Members pt 2

Descriptions of Group Members:

Addison Saxby

Hi my name is Addison Saxby and I am 17 years old (about to turn 18) and I have a passion for film making. Ever since I was 14 (year 9) I knew that film making was what I wanted to do. I love the Thriller genre that we have been studying this year in AS Media and I really like to get my ideas onto film. I love all aspects of the film making process, right from pre-production and planning to production and being on set, and post-production and editing our footage. I love to be either behind the camera or in the directors chair, but if I am not I still love any job on a film set. I love to shoot my films in a hand held way as it gives the audience a feeling of "being there in the scene" As I head into my PT2 I am looking forward to expanding my skills and making another great film. 

Kayla Lockington

My name is Kayla Lockington, i am 16 years old, and this is my first time doing media studies. I have always had an interest in film so i took this class to see if it could develop my interest. Being in a group with someone like Addison has really shown me all the new possibilities that could be instead of just thinking inside the box. For me when i started media i struggled with some of the essay work as i wasn't used to writing such a lengthy passage, but after time my skills grew and i am now comfortable with the grades that i am getting, although there is always room for improvement. My favourite things about media is getting hands on experience when it comes to making your own film. I have learnt so many new skills like how to use audio/boom poll and how to do continuity editing on a computer.

Plan B

Our teams plan B is a simple chase scene between two main characters. There will be an assassin of sort hunting a man on the run for a crime or something that he has done. You will see the file being passed to the hunter giving a picture and description of the man. They will then run into each other at some point during the scene and this is where our chase scene will take place/begin. He will either run and hide where he gets shot/gunned down or it will be a hand to hand combat scene which we will try and make as gory as possible where you see masses of fake blood flying all over the place, adding to the realism affect and trying to make the audience believe what they are seeing. The only problem with this idea was the location as we wanted to do it in a place where there was old abandoned containers lying around in a field but the ground may be uneven and we don't know if there is enough space for us to shoot a chase scene. Our second location option is to ask a friend (Theo) if he wouldn't mind letting us film at his house as it is a controlled environment with still a lot of bush space and forestry. Overall the concept remains the same but instead of having multiple actors there will only be 2. This will save time and make a lot of the shots easier to film. The costumes will be inspired by The Maze Runner like our original concept but the location will be more densified. 

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Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio