Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Audience research

Global and NZ digitisation trends

1. How many of the world's population are currently connected to the internet? (slide 6)

4.388 billion with a penetration of 57%

2. How many of the world's population are active social media users? (slide 6)

3.484 billion with a penetration of 45%

3. What are the top 5 social media sites used globally? (slide 10)

Facebook, Youtube, Whats App, FB Messenger, Webxin/Webchat

4. What two age-groups have the largest contingent of social media users? (slide 12)

18-24 yr olds and 25-34 yr olds

5. What percentage of NZ's population are connected to the internet and what percentage have social media? (slide 15)

4.22 million of New Zealand's population are connected to the internet with a 88% penetration. 3.40 million are active social media users with a 71% penetration.

6. What are the top 3 devices used to consume media in NZ? (slide 18)

Mobile phone (any type) 92%, Smart phone 81%, Laptop or desktop computer 84%.

7. How many hours a day are NZ's watching/ streaming online TV services? (slide 19)

2 hours and 42 minutes

8. What percentage of internet users in NZ watch videos online and what percentage stream content via the internet? (slide 28)

94% watch videos online and 57% stream via the internet

9. What are NZ's top 5 social media sites? (slide 33)

Youtube, Facebook, FB Messenger, Instagram, Pinterest.

Trends within NZ for media consumption


1. Who are considered 'i-gens' (page 3 )
The iGens are the generation of people born from about the mid1990s to the mid-2000s.

2. In what ways are i-gens connected and using digital technology? (pg 4)
iGens are the first generation to spend their entire lives growing up with iPads, iPods and iPhones etc. iGen spend all day connected online.

3. How would you describe the relationship with i-gens with the content of the media they are consuming? (Summarise page 5)
iGens consider things that affect a persons well-being as very important or informative. Films influence iGens’ opinions on a whole variety of social, political and environmental issues, and act as a catalyst for discussion with friends and family.

4. In what way does social media play a part in influencing i-gens activity in whether they watch a film or not? (p7)

Social media plays a huge part in iGen lives. It is an under-utilised opportunity for cinemas, film distributors and filmmakers to reach out and directly engage with the iGeneration in their world and in their way.

5. List the emotional motivations that drive i-gens to watch movies at the cinemas and what in general do they like about it? (p8 & 10)
Chilled: escaping for a couple of hours, relaxing and chilling out with no interruptions. Intimate: being intimate with others through social connection and shared experiences with partners, friends, colleagues and families. Hyped: experiencing heightened emotions including being hyped and excited (action movies), shocked and terrified (horror), sad (dramas), and laughing (comedy). In the know: feeling that by watching the latest movies you are a leader – that you are at the forefront of the culture and leading social media commentary and opinion. Creative: becoming a ‘film buff’ and being creative by following directors and other creative artists involved in filmmaking. Socially conscious: thinking and being curious about the issues raised in the film and using the film to help shape discussion, opinions, views and beliefs. The iGeneration values the immersive, state-of-the-art, sight and sound technology of cinemas that they cannot access at home.

6. Comment on why i-gens opt to watch movies online at home (p 9)
In-home viewing is easy, convenient, safe, comfortable and costs very little. It can be sociable or equally enjoyable alone.

7. What do the i-gens say is negative about the cinema experience? (p11)
The cost and ‘administration’ involved with the cinema experience is somewhat out of step with iGens. It is expensive, inflexible and inconvenient compared to watching a movie at home. The lack of flexibility, lining up for tickets and limited food and drink options can all add up to too much bother.

8. Use page 13 to write a few sentences about how i-gens should be marketed to if you are trying to get them to watch your film
The iGeneration need more than trailers and posters to engage them with cinema. They need to feel that cinema-going is a ‘must go’ social event. The best place to attract their interest is where they spend a lot of time – on social media. They enjoy the customised approach of platforms like Netflix which say ‘if you enjoyed movie X then you would probably love movies Y and Z’. With a more targeted approach to social media that isn’t just trailers.

9. Use pages 14 - 19 to write a few points about the way i-gens prefer to engage with media and what they want out of a media consumption experience
Use apps to make booking, tickets and food and drink ordering more streamlined and convenient. Dedicated spaces at the cinema where they can hang out with their friends. The iGeneration want cinemas to be immersive, super-comfortable, well designed, and incorporate the latest technologies such as surround sound and virtual reality (VR). would also like to be able to view other forms of entertainment such as live sports, e-sports (competitive gaming) and ‘binge-watch’ entire TV series. They are also interested in outdoor and drive-in cinema, and being able to select or vote for what they view and when they view it.

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