Thursday, March 26, 2020

question 4

1 comment:

  1. Blog tool (4/5) / Content (6/10) - 10/15

    - some good information here but again, not detailed or complete enough.
    - Could have used screen shots to show you working on Premier Pro. This is where you need to discuss what you learnt so that includes what you found hard and what you learnt. YOu could even talk about the fact that you learnt to edit with the Premier Pro tutorial and include embedded videos for that.
    - you researched and learnt to use After Effects. You don't mention this al all and don't show any learning process or evidence of this in the final product of your film. What after effect did you use and where is it in your final product?
    - Hardware can use some attention too. What sort of cameta did you use? Your I-phone camera? A digital camera? What make and model?
    - What sound equipment did you use? Photos are helpful here. You can talk about the process of learning to attach that to the camera if you were on Sound.


Foundation Portfolio final edit

Final Edit Foundation Portfolio