Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Thriller Brainstorm

Thriller Brainstorm

Question: We are introduced to a deranged, mentally ill man who is stalking his victim although coming across as normal and an 'all round nice guy' to his neighbourhood.

- Slow tracking/camera movements.

- a lot of point of view and close up shots.

- News reporter following up on an anonymous tip with her camera man.

- Dark and dull colours to give the atmosphere an airy feel.

- News reporter turn up at front step

- During the day he is an average man seeing to be doing human-like activities e.g. mowing the lawns, but at night he goes off

- Hearing sounds at the back of the house

- Use colour as a representation of safety and danger (white van for camera crew and red hue around the fence gate when going behind the fence)

- use shadows and silhouettes

- Point of view and extreme close up to add the aspect of the unknown

- Heavy diegetic breathing as the camera man and reporter walk up to the fence/gate that leads to the back of the house

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